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Happiness Quotes, Sayings about Being Happy. Don't put the key to happiness in someone else's pocket. But there is always a little corner that keeps flapping around.

Konigsburg. Nobody really cares if you’re miserable, so you might as well be happy. It is probably a matter of temperament, and for anything I know it may be glandular. But it is not something that can be demanded from life, and if you are not happy you had better stop worrying about it and see what treasures you can pluck from your own brand of unhappiness.

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If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it. I only wish I’d realized it sooner. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called. Milne. People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost. Jackson Brown. It’s pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness. Poverty and wealth have both failed.

When one takes a rest, the other one tends to take up the slack. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want. Augustine. Can anything be so elegant as to have few wants, and to serve them one’s self? Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.

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Finding Your Feet Charity

The worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high because then you’ll start to feel better. If you’re going to get any joy out of being depressed, you’ve got to stand like this.

Benham's Disk For grades 3-12. Make colors appear using only black and white! Make your own Benham Disk.

Schulz. Pleasure is spread through the earth. In stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.~William Wordsworth, 1. Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

That’s nothing more than health and a poor memory. Harris. Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.

Actually, the word was Fame but she later wanted to rewrite it as Happiness when she realized that Fame was disappointment, disillusion, and incompleteness. Pritchett. We are no longer happy so soon as we wish to be happier. You have to catch it yourself. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under the radiator. He will not be striving for it as a goal in itself.

He will have become aware that he is happy in the course of living life twenty- four crowded hours of the day. Beran Wolfe. You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. Idel Dreimer, www. If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have a paradise in a few years. Don’t go through life creaking. Byles. What I’m looking for is a blessing that’s not in disguise.

Salinger. Joy is not in things; it is in us. We can only (barely) control our own reactions to it. Happiness is largely a choice, not a right or entitlement. Hill, ***Dave Does the Blog (hill- kleerup. How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now, and there will never be a time when it is not now. Lefferdink. The happiness which is lacking makes one think even the happiness one has unbearable. Reinoso. We cannot be happy if we expect to live all the time at the highest peak of intensity.

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony. Moneypenny. The happy have whole days,and those they choose. The unhappy have but hours,and those they lose.~Colley Cibber. The art of living does not consist in preserving and clinging to a particular mode of happiness, but in allowing happiness to change its form without being disappointed by the change; happiness, like a child, must be allowed to grow up.

Morgan. Happiness is a matter of one’s most ordinary and everyday mode of consciousness being busy and lively and unconcerned with self. Contentment is a warm sty for eaters and sleepers. A right to happiness doesn't, for me, make much more sense than a right to be six feet tall, or to have a millionaire for a father, or to get good weather whenever you want to have a picnic. Lewis. One filled with joy preaches without preaching. It’s one way of being wise.

Make it the object of pursuit, and it leads us a wild- goose chase, and is never attained. Follow some other object, and very possibly we may find that we have caught happiness, without dreaming of it; but likely enough it is gone the moment we say to ourselves, . All nature is your congratulation, and you have cause momentarily to bless yourself. On the other hand, if someone is suffering from depression, anxiety, or any form of emotional distress, then even if he or she happens to be enjoying physical comforts, he will not really be able to experience the happiness that these could bring. Stretch your joy so that others enjoy you too. Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by. He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though it were his own.

Our brightest blazes are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks. Inge. To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables  . Call him a breathing corpse. We're always looking for her in shiny, happy, fun times, assuming that Joy prefers her twin brother, Pleasure, when she often hangs out with her somewhat stoic big sister, Strength. Joy is not always easy to recognize, dirt- smudged and sweating, brambles in her hair. I want to believe she sometimes wears a ski mask. We lean on the world and find it a broken reed..

A few rays of happiness do, indeed, sometimes illuminate our horizon, but the passing clouds seldom fail to convince us that their duration is not to be depended upon. Haskins. Find a place where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy.

Salinger. Before we set our hearts too much on anything, let us examine how happy are those who already possess it. Lynd. So often the shortest distance to happiness is the length of an about- face.

Meanings For Symbols That Begin With FFTo. It may also. denote an expletive as in . To. dream that you are living a fable symbolizes your need to face reality.

It is. better to face a situation head on then to retreat into a fantasy world. Fabric. To. see reams of fabric in your dream signify creativity. You are the one to shape. Consider the color and pattern of the fabric and how it. To. see your own face in your dream represents the persona you show to the world as.

It may refer to how you confront problems and deal with. To. dream that your face is flawed or pimply symbolizes erupting emotions. You may. be suffering an attack on your persona or your reputation. According. to folklore, if you dream that your face is swollen, then it means that you will.

To. dream that your face or someone's face is cracking indicates some deception or big lie. You are. unable to maintain a straight face and are about to be exposed. To. dream that you or someone has two faces or that the faces changes quickly from. You or someone in your life.

You are keeping too much inside. Dreaming. of a blurry face means that you have no sense of who this person really are. You may be being. The face paint represents your.

Facebook. To. dream about your Facebook page represents your desires to expand your social. You need to reach out to others in a more direct and personal way. It is. time to get out there and experience life.

To. see a faceless figure or person in your dream indicates that you are still. Therefore, you are.

To. dream that you have a facelift suggests that you are seeking a new self- identity. You may have experienced a surge in your confidence levels. Facial. To. dream that you are getting a facial indicates that you are feeling guilty about.

Alternatively, the dream represents your facade and what you allow. Facial. Please See Beard. It is symbolic of predictability and unchanging habits. You are a person that can get things done. Dreaming. of an abandoned or run- down factory means that you have broken from your routine. You are leaving a. To. dream that a color is faded indicates a lack of motivation or inspiration.

Failure. To. dream of failure signifies fears of inadequacy and low self- esteem. You are not. applying yourself to the fullest potential. Or you are overwhelmed with anxiety. To. dream that your business is a failure signifies bad management. You need to be. more aggressive and not let fear rule you. Fainting. To. dream that you are fainting suggests your inability to confront some subconscious. You need to be more aware and acknowledge those feelings.

To. see a family member faint in your dream signifies that you will hear some. To. dream that you are at the fair suggests that you may be regressing into your.

You feel you can let your inhibitions go and. Also consider the various side shows and. Alternatively, the dream may also be a pun on fairness and being.

In particular, if the fairy is evil, then it suggests that an aspect of. It is time to start doing and making things happen. To. dream that you are a character in a fairy tale suggests your need to be rescued. It also indicates that you are exploring your. To. dream that you are reading a fairy tale indicates that you are a romantic at. Faithless*Please. See Dream Moods' Interpretation for Cheating.

Fake. To. dream that something or someone is fake suggests that you are pretending to be. You are putting up front because you are afraid to show. To. dream that you are faking your own death suggests that you are looking for a new. You need some change in your life.

If you dream that your. Or it may mean that they are not who you. Fakir. To. see a fakir in your dream indicates phenomenal change in your life. Falcon. To. see a falcon in your dream suggests that you are focused in your goals and. You may be experiencing some major. It may also imply that you have failed to. Dreaming. that you fall backwards suggests that you prevented yourself from making a bad.

It may also mean that you are not ready to move forward and. You may feel that it is easier to give up, then to.

To. dream of the fall season indicates that something is about to come to an end and. Alternatively, the dream is symbolic of the cycle of. It is time to collect the benefits and rewards that you've worked so hard. They are being deceitful. Fame. To. dream that you have fame denotes unrealized achievements or failed. You constantly need reaffirmation, praises and acknowledgment.

You. want to be admired and looked up to by those around you. To. see famous people in your dream signifies an increase to your prosperity and. Also See Celebrities. To. see your own family in your dream represents security, warmth and love. It could. also symbolize bitterness, jealousy, or rivalry, depending on your relationship.

Alternatively, it could mean that you are overly dependent on. If you dream that your family does not act. Or you simply don't understand where they are coming from.

To. see someone else's family in your dream symbolizes togetherness. The dream. serves to remind you that other people can come and go out of your life, but you. Alternatively, dreaming about someone else's family. You want what other families have.

Dreaming. that a serial killer is killing off members of your family implies that you are. To. dream about the Family Guy cartoon implies how you cope with what life throws at. You feel that you are a target of criticism.

Perhaps you identify with one. Consider their key traits and how you can relate. If you dream that the characters in Family Guy are not. You have gone too far. Famine. To. dream of famine signifies a negative turn in business and in health.

To. dream that you are famished indicates that you are in need of love, affection. To. see others in famine signifies your sympathy toward others. It may also. symbolize your dedication to worldly causes. If you run out of food, then it suggests that you are. To. see a  fan in your dream refers to the changes in your life. It may also. signifies your need to calm down after a highly charged emotional situation or.

Alternatively, the dream symbolizes secret. You are trying to divert attention to unimportant things. To. see fangs in your dream indicate that you have said some words that have been. To. dream that you are wearing a fanny pack indicates that you are feeling out of. You feel you are not fitting in. Fantasy. To. dream of a fantasy world may be a way for your mind to highlight what is normal. Explore all your options no matter how strange or.

To. see something or someone far away in your dream suggests that you are feeling. Alternatively. it represents something that is unattainable or something that you failed to.

You may be putting your work or ambition ahead of your loved ones. Farm. To. see or live on a farm in your dream suggests that you need to develop an aspect. You are ready for growth. To. Watch Rogue Hunter with english subtitles in 1280p. see or dream that you are a farmer points to your productivity. Are you. utilizing your fullest potential? It may also suggest that you need to work.

To. dream that you are at a farmer's market suggests that you are looking for. Farsighted. To. dream that you are farsighted suggests that you are overlooking the little.

You are too distracted by the big picture. To. dream that you are farting suggests that you are being passive aggressive. You. need to express your feelings in a more direct manner. To. smell a fart in your dream implies that someone around you is not telling you. He or she may be avoiding some topic instead of.

Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are offended by. Fashion. To. dream about fashion suggests that you are depending too much on your looks to. You need to start looking within yourself.

You need to step. Fast. see or eat fast food in your dream indicates that you are not taking the time to. You are not taking good care of your physical or mental. You need to slow down. To. dream that you are fasting represents self- renewal and self- cleansing. Fasting. may also be way to draw attention to some consciousness or problem. Are you. trying to punish yourself?

Are you feeling guilty about something? To. dream that you are fat signifies a fortunate change in your life. You are. experiencing abundance in some area of your life. Alternatively, the dream means.

You need to learn moderation. A more literal. interpretation of this dream is your fears of gaining weight. You have an skewed. To. dream that others are fat signifies prosperity. Consider also the phrase. You feel that it is always someone's fault or someone else's. Alternatively, the dream may be trying to help you visualize your goal.

To. see your father in your dream symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests. that you need to be more self- reliant.

Consider also your waking relationship. To. dream that you are hitting your father represents a desperate need for greater. You feel that he is not listening to you. In. particular, if you are hitting your father with a rubber object indicates that.

Things literally. Conversely, if you dream that your father is the one beating. The dream may also be a projection of your own anger. There are some unresolved issues that need to be worked out. To. see your father wrapped in bandages from head to toe suggests that you are.

Perhaps you are being put in. To. dream that your father has a girlfriend or mistress, even though he is still. The dream may also be a commentary on your own views of marriage. To dream that you commit patricide means that you are rejecting authority and rules. You refuse to answer to a higher power. Alternatively, killing your father may also be symbolic of killing an aspect of your own self. You feel that you are becoming like your father and you don't like it.

Father- In- Law. To. You need to be more yielding in your point of view and decisions. Fatigue. To. feel fatigue or see others fatigued in your dream suggests that a relationship. To. see a faucet in your dream signifies control of your emotions. You are conscious.

In other words, you. Alternatively, it may also be.