Watch My Friend Tenzin Norbu online with subtitles FULL HD
Her life, characterized by incessant wanderings throughout the Himalayan regions of India, Nepal and Tibet, emulated those of Tibetan yogis who had roamed these regions, meditating and teaching, for hundreds of years. She is probably one of the last examples of this lifestyle, which came to an abrupt end in the 1. Chinese invasion of Tibet. Lochen’s childhood was marked by the domestic difficulties and squabbles of her wandering parents. Her father, Dondrup Namgyal, was quarrelsome and inclined to drink.
Originally from the U province of Central Tibet, he was send away as an adolescent to serve his nephew, an incarnate lama called Yandro Yonten Tulku, at his monastery. He soon quarrelled with the local people and left both the monastery and the area, telling his nephew, . The Swayambu stupa in Kathmandu had been under Bhutanese care until it was lost to the Nepalese a few years before. Shortly after Dondrup Namgyal’s arrival, Khenden Lama went to Kathmandu and managed to regain custody of the stupa. Feeling the Dondrup Namgyal had bought him good fortune, he told him, . Kalwar Lama was old and passed away soon afterwards, leaving his young wife, Tsentsar Pemba Dolma, who originally hailed from Nepal, alone and childless.
Pemba Dolma was much grieved by her husband’s death. Declaring that she found cyclic existence quite meaningless, she planned to renounce the world and spend the rest of her life visiting the pilgrimage places of Western Tibet, India and Nepal. Taking Dondrup Namgyal with her, she wandered from place to place, leading the life of a pilgrim, begging from falling back on the resources left her by Kalwar lama. A relationship eventually formed between them and Pemba Dolma, who had regretted remaining childless, began to follow the advice of the older village woman on am infallible method for bearing a male heir. It involved her collecting stones from holy places and carrying them on her back. She went about lugging and increasingly heavy loads until she began to have unusual dreams and felt her wish had been fulfilled.
In one particular dream she was standing by a crowd of women washing their hair in a spring. She suddenly looked up and saw staring down at her someone attired like the deity Heruka. In another, she was returning from Tibet and came across women wearing ornaments who told her,’ You bathe first and when you are finished, you can look after our ornaments while we bathe.’Pemba Dolma convinced that the dreams were special signs concerning the child she had conceived.
She felt very happy and announced that the infant in her womb must be a lama or at least some special being. On the fifteenth day of the first month of the wood ox year (1. Pemba Dolma gave birth in Tso Pema to a female child. The delivery was painless, accompanied by a slight earth tremor and a rain of flowers. Voices were heard reciting manis, the six- syllable mantra of Avalokiteshvara. It is said that the child was born cross- legged, her arms crossed on her chest in the gesture of holding a bell and vajra and that many heard her say, .
This article has four parts: 1. How the Dzinpa Rangdröl Came to Tara Mandala. A Short Introduction to Do Khyentse’s Life. The Lineage of Do Khyentse and. Independent publisher of books for enlightened living. Books and audio on Buddhism, Personal Growth, Psychology, Health, Yoga, Creativity, and much more. The Yogini Project Films “White Lotus” (NEW) Women On The Path. Latest Updates; Previews. Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo; Geshema Kelsang Wangmo; Ani Choying Drolma.
The birth of a daughter made him feel he had somehow been cheated and he directed his discontent at his wife, sneering, . Throw her out!’ He continually mocked her for her previous dreams and statements concerning the child. After Lochen’s birth, things went from bad to worse between her parents, her father drinking and mistreating her mother. When Lochen was a few months old and they were staying in Gashar, in the Indian Himalayas, he sold mother and child to some chang sellers, probably in payment for drink. For Pemba Dolma he took three silver rupees, and for Lochen two. The incident was reported to the local official, who objected to such transactions under his jurisdiction and ordered Lochen and her mother to be returned to Dondrup Namgyal. When she heard the official’s decision, Pemba Dolma begged him just to let her go, for she had no wish to stay with her cruel husband.
Tenzin Gyatso: Tenzin Gyatso, le 14 e dalaï-lama en 2012. Nom de naissance: Lhamo Dhondup: Nom de réincarnation: Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso. Sign up to our Newsletter for all the latest industry news, events and product releases. Buddhist or Dharma Names. The refuge name, more usually called the dharma name, is the one acquired during the Refuge ceremony. If you do not yet have a.
Hearing this Dondrup Namgyal was filled with remorse and broke down in tears. He asked the official at least to give him custody of his daughter. Trying to resolve the dispute, local people advised Dondrup Namgyal to treat his family better and made him promise not to beat his wife. Pemba Dolma finally agreed to stay with him and they left together for Spiti, Lochen strapped to her mother’s back.
Lobsang Chökyi Gyaltsen (1570–1662), the Panchen Lama and the first to be accorded this title during his lifetime, was the tutor and a close ally of the 5th Dalai. Wisdom’s much-loved children’s books offer a great opportunity to share the importance of qualities like compassion, mindfulness, and equanimity. 110480 de 51484 Paulo 49074 São 46318 do 40723 Brasil 38043 da 37922 Da 35214 US$ 33367 Folha 2900 Local 19724 Reportagem 1790 José 15364.
On the way, they came to a large river, on the banks of which they found a sword. Pemba Dolma, worried about the future for herself and Lochen, felt this was a special sign. Picking up the sword she prayed, .
If not, let the water carry us both away.’ There was neither bridge nor ferry, but Pemba Dolma resolutely entered the water and began to ford the river. Due to the strong current she soon lost her balance and mother and daughter were nearly drowned. Suddenly, a woman appeared out of the sky and grabbed hold of Pemba Dolma’s hand.
When they reached the other side she disappeared and Pemba Dolma was unable to find her though she looked everywhere. Some people said they had seen a woman flying away. Although apparently fond of his daughter, Dondrup Namgyal continued to drink and was often short of money.
One day, he sold Lochen to a merchant for a handful of silver. Pemba Dolma had to wait outside the merchant’s house until she came out, when she picked her up and ran off with her. Coming to the hot springs in Kulu, they found Dondrup Namgyal there before them. After he promised never to sell either of them again, they were reconciled once more. The First Teachings. One day, when the family was living in a tent, Dondrup Namgyal came home drunk and told his wife he wished to leave her. He proposed that since they had only one daughter, they should cut her in half so they could each have their share.
Lochen was listening outside ran away terrified to hide under some thorny bushes. Crouching in her hiding place she suddenly felt very light and heard melodious voices all around her. Immersed in physical and mental bliss, Lochen did not notice time go by and one week passed without her knowledge. Her family and all the local people had searched high and low and failing to find her, concluded that she had been eaten by wild animals. When she finally emerged from her hiding place, Lochen was greeted by many children who, bewildered at seeing her alive, prostrated to her, blew trumpets and asked her for teachings. Sitting on an elevated spot, she recited these verse,In order to lead all sentient beings to Buddhahood,One must accumulate merit.
And with great motivation one must listen (to the teachings). She taught refuge and other basic practices. Stating that Tibet’s protective deity was Avalokiteshvara, she instructed her young listeners to meditate on him and to recite his mantra, OM MANI PADME HUM, saying it was the essence of the Buddha’s doctrine. At that time many took refuge in the three jewels as well as making commitments to recite the mantra. When this took place, Lochen was about four and still drinking her mother’s milk.
Many people criticized her, saying it was wrong to preach at so young an age, but a mani master called Gonkar defended her saying she was either an emanation of Tara or Machig Labdron. He gave her many transmissions on ways of reciting Avalokiteshvara’s mantra and said that when she reached six, Lochen would be a mani lama in her own right, having mastered all the necessary transmissions and ways of reciting the texts. Dondrup Namgyal was never really kind to his wife, but he learned to love his daughter. When Lochen was five he felt she should learn to read and took her to a former government official, who having become a devout practitioner, the local people respected the lama.
He taught Lochen to read and write and she learned quickly and easily. At the age of six Lochen began to give teachings. She had a patron, a Khampa merchant called Tashi who asked her to travel from town to town, explaining the meaning of mani. People would assemble in the marketplaces by the thousands to hear her. Tears sprang from the eyes of the crowd as they watched this tiny figure standing on tiptoe to point an enormous stick at an even larger thanka, teach and comment faultlessly on the stories concerning Avalokiteshvara’s mantra. Slowly, her fame spread and while travelling in the Western Tibetan area of Rampur, the local king asked her to teach.
She inspired such faith that people started referring to her as dakini. In a place called Tsondarong, people offered her money and valuables, sheep and goats. She returned the former and left the few sheep and goats to her mother. One cold, rainy morning, when the family was staying in a straw hut, Lochen heard a voice singing from the roof. She was busy lighting a fire and looking up, saw a bearded Indian sage. Next day, the sage returned, bringing a partly burned rosary.
He showed it to Lochen and asked, . Later, while the father and daughter slept, the fire from the stove suddenly spread through the hut until the flames were licking their feet. Online streaming Captives in english with subtitles in 4K. The sage appeared, picked up Lochen and carried her to the river where he dipped her burned feet into the cool water.
They were instantly healed. Thinking the sage had stolen his daughter, Dondrup Namgyal ran out of the hut shouting, . The sage had disappeared. Lochen continued to travel and teach throughout Western Tibet and the adjoining areas of Ladakh.
At Pitu monastery during the cham festival she saw the ritual dances and had visions of many gods riding dragons about to speak to her. One New Year, the family came to Tso Pema. Dondrup Namgyal continuing to drink heavily, threatened to burn down a local house.
Outraged, the people beat him with burning sticks until Lochen begged them to stop. When they asked her for teachings, some pointed out that it was ludicrous on the one hand to beat up the father and on the other to ask the daughter for teachings and they promised to let him alone, however unpleasant he might be.